Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Dr. Stefano Rinaldi

Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik

Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2, Room 008

Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Albert-Überle-Str. 2
69120 Heidelberg

My research interests mainly focus on population studies of astrophysical black holes using gravitational wave observations. I am extremely interested in the many possibilities offered by Bayesian non-parametric methods, and how these can be used to extract new information on astrophysical objects. Besides black hole population, I like to fiddle with cosmology, gravitational wave lensing and to explore the application of Bayesian statistics to different astro-problems. If you're curious about any of these things, feel free to email me and have a chat!

Iorio, Giuliano; Torniamenti, Stefano et al. (inc. Mestichelli, Benedetta; Lacchin, Elena; Vaccaro, M. Paola; Korb, Erika; Rinaldi, Stefano; Mapelli, Michela)
The boring history of Gaia BH3 from isolated binary evolution
A&A 690, A144(2024)

Abac, A. G.; Abbott, R. et al. (inc. Rinaldi, S.; Mapelli, M.)
Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M Compact Object and a Neutron Star
ApJ 970, L34(2024)

Rinaldi, Stefano; Del Pozzo, Walter
FIGARO: hierarchical non-parametric inference for population studies
JOSS 9, 6589(2024)

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