Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

"Astronomy in the Near-Infrared - Observing Strategies and Data Reduction Techniques"

I would like to draw your attention to the new book written by our colleague Jochen Heidt. "Astronomy in the Near-Infrared - Observing Strategies and Data Reduction Techniques" is the result of his decades of experience observing in the infrared. The idea for this book was born during a 2017 summer school on La Palma, where Jochen lectured on infrared astronomy. "The work on the book was very time-consuming, but in the end I have experienced all that's written myself. This made the project especially fun," Jochen Heidt recalls.

The book was published as part of the series: Astrophysics and Space Science Library (ASSL, volume 467) and summarizes on 291 everything that has to be considered for the often delicate observations in the infrared spectral range.

The reader will be introduced to the basic concepts of how to prepare near-infrared observations. All aspects of the data reduction for both imaging and spectroscopy are explained. Information is also provided on the state of the art instrumentation available and planned, on detector technology or the physics of the atmosphere, all of which influence the preparation and execution of observations and data reduction techniques. Beginners and experts will find required information in compact form which is otherwise widely dispersed across the internet or other sources.

For more information about the book see

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